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We know how to make your business easier For 17 years we have successfully combined our jobs with our hobby – tailor-made software design and implementation. This combination of enjoyment and experience has enabled our clients to get ahead of their competitors. It really works – try it for yourself!
dun&bradstreet AAA Certificate

You can count on us

For us, it's not just empty words that you can hear from anyone's mouth today. For 2 years in a row, we can officially present our AAA CERTIFICATE, the highest credibility rating. As a company, we have met the strictest criteria of credibility and reliability, which is why we belong to a highly exclusive group of Czech companies that can use the AAA certification as a symbol of the highest rating. You can check it yourself, just click on the red AAA logo.

A browser for Editel Company
EDI message archive

Archive solution which includes monitoring and business case evaluation. The trustworthy archive entitled trustIT BMR (Business Monitoring & Reporting) represents a solution for long-term storage of electronic documents. The solution includes a module for the evaluation, monitoring and visualisation of business cases. The solution guarantees the creation, administration and verifiability of the audit trail, which is important to guarantee the integrity, authenticity, time origin, legibility and sequence of documents. The solution also supports the storage of all types of articles with main emphasis on the Edifact format messages. TrustIT fully complies with the EU legislation on electronic communication and archiving, and meets the highest security standards. Each part of the system is redundancy-secured and runs in a geographical cluster to reach the maximum security and availability of the product. The solution uses the SOAP open standard, which enables integration with other software and also direct integration of the archive function as well as other applications. The product has many interesting characteristics, such as: flexible archiving time for different types of documents; no chance of data modification; integrity guarantee also for unsigned documents; off-line application for searching, viewing and printing of documents; approval workflow; comparison of document contents; Real-time business case assessment; visualisation of document relations within any process; responsive design; transferability between a service and in-house solutions.

We offer
services that perfectly match your requirements
Websites Customised website development
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We are able to develop a website perfectly matching the customer´s needs. We are developing static as well as dynamic websites mainly in the PHP language, but we also offer the possibility of a customised content management system. Optimising the website for SEO goes without saying. Apart from website development, we offer complete processing of your business logo and the whole graphic manual.
Information system ERP system implementation and administration
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Our company, Zauzoo s.r.o., has rich experience in the ERP system implementation and administration not only on the Czech market. We have participated on many implementations in large European companies such as Volvo Truck, Constructor. We have experience in the fields of medicine, transport, services, production, trade, etc.
Programming Programming services and consulting for your projects.
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Individual programme design to meet customer requirements. We aim mainly at the development of applications in WWW environment primarily in JAVA language. To run our applications we use primarily PostgreSQL and Oracle databases. Our most significant tailor-made programme designs include PASY, Česká Spořitelna (JEE, Oracle), Archive Module for Editel (JEE, Oracle), VOLVO – Fuelcheck (JEE, PostgreSQL), Chimney configurator – Schiedel (JEE, MSSQL).
HW and networking Administration of HW and computer networks in your company.
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We offer to undertake the HW and network administration mainly for customers using one of our software solutions. In case of problems, the customer can rely on one “trouble-shooting” contact. HW and network administration is, of course, offered also independently on our software services, as it is in case of our client Kávoviny, a. s.
References from our clients speak for themselves We are proud long-term partners of these companies:
Contacts Zauzoo s.r.o.
Nad Kajetánkou 1783/13, 169 00 Praha 6
branch: JUDr. Krpaty 1147, 530 03 Pardubice
mail: moc.oozuaz@ofni, tel.: +420 777 481 622
Company registration number: 26710579